Social justice and free speech are too often treated as opposites in higher ed.
To reconcile them, campuses can go
beyond making statements. They can
build skills that motivate people to hear and, in turn, be heard.
The Moral Courage Method of communicating bridges
social justice and free speech in three key ways.
Rejects crude binaries. Informed by the science of bridging differences, we replace the either/or frame with the both/and lens.
Embraces individuality (not individualism). Each of us has a unique back story even as we identify with certain groups.
Defines "diversity" to include diversity of viewpoint. We recognize that divergent opinions and ideas exist within groups, not merely between groups — a recognition that's crucial to avoiding new stereotypes as we dismantle old ones.
Read our backgrounder on the pedagogy of Moral Courage.
Irshad Manji, our founder, engaged with justice activists at The King Center's Beloved Community Global Summit.
These 5 video clips reflect The King Center's theme, "It Starts With Me."
Watch Prof. Manji address why, and how, self-transformation leads to durable social change.
Explore Moral Courage programming for your campus community.
We've opened minds at colleges and universities worldwide.