Executives: Credibility doesn't come from your title. It comes from your team.
How can you help them trust you — and each other?
Moral Courage equips organizations, be they businesses or nonprofits, to succeed at job #1: building trust.
Begins with what we share before diving into how we differ. Shared ground
cultivates trust.
Recognizes that people are dynamic and ever-evolving, not static categories or commodities to be labeled.
Honors individuality because each of us has a unique back story, even if we identify with certain groups, values, or philosophies.
Reveals that every individual — yes, every last one of us — wields power in the form of our ego (primitive brain). This presents a choice about what we'll do with that power, especially in times of awkward tension, high emotion, or deep division.
Uses decision science to show how we can speak truth to the ego's power. When we get into the habit of educating our ego, it's much easier to hear others. Which then motivates others to hear us.
In short, Moral Courage teaches the skills of trust-building, which powers collaborative problem-solving.