“We really enjoyed singing these lyrics because it meant being together. It doesn’t matter who you are, you are accepted. Singing this song pushed us outside of our comfort zone, which was fun!”
— Shaadee, Peyton, Milli, Halle, Royce, Brody
The Moral Courage team is inviting K-5 classes to star in their own "We the Plurals" video. Teachers and parents can participate, too. Enter your video through the form below for a chance to inspire others and win prizes.
1. With your class, watch this sing-along version of We the Plurals.
Your students can memorize the lyrics, sing them karaoke style, or
anything else. Practice until you're all ready to sing it together.
2. Set up your phone or video camera in a location of your choice.
We're not looking for anything fancy; just authentic and spirited.
3. Make sure that guardians of all the participating kids sign
this release. It explains the song, the message, and the video
challenge. All you have to do is get it signed.
4. Submit your video through the form below. Be sure to include
your school's social media handles (Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter.
Facebook and LinkedIn).
5. Get ready to see your class's video on social media.
You'll be inspiring others to join!
Extra recognition goes to those classes that enter brief reflections about what this project has meant for them. For example, the kids who starred in our sing-along video said this:
"We really liked singing these lyrics because it meant being together and belonging, no matter who you are. Plus we learned that it' ok to go outside of your comfort zone! In fact, it can be fun!"
- Shaadee, Peyton, Milli, Halle, Royce, Brody
We hope that before, during, or after the video challenge, you'll start a discussion with your students about the song's themes. They include:
building relationships across differences;
engaging rather than assuming about each other; and
seeing every being's unique individuality.
To learn more about these themes, here's a downloadable resource for adults: the first section of Prof. Irshad Manji's book, Don't Label Me: How to Do Diversity Without Inflaming the Culture Wars. You'll meet the co-star of our We the Plurals video, Lily, who teaches us that even a blind dog is more than meets the eye...